
New strollers from Tutti Frutti

August 07, 2017

Kind und Jugend (the European version of ABC) happens next month and the website is already starting to add new products to the press page. Many times we will get to see new products that will before they hit ABC, but this is not one of those times. 

The above brand is a Tutti Frutti, an English company that doesn't sell in the USA. But I felt the need to post about these two strollers any way because OMG they are so cool! I love new designs and these are not like any I had seen.

The top stroller is the Arlo and the bottom is the Koji. Both have a very compact fold, both take a car seat or carrycot and both have a single hand fold. The Koji (bottom) is the smaller of the two, made for travel and people who don't have a lot of trunk space (like Europeans). 

But the Arlo (top) is what really amazes me because it converts to a DOUBLE STROLLER!!! Seriously. How in the world does that tiny thing fit another seat? But there's more. It apparently has multiple configurations too! Sadly that is the only picture the website gave. But I'd love to see such a modern looking stroller turn into a double. Will be waiting for more pics....

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  1. Nice review and strollers. I like to purchase a safe car seat and stroller all in one. I recently read a Chicco Bravo Trio Review and want to purchase it as soon as possible. Really comfortable seat for my baby.
